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The Patriot Plan: New England’s Offensive Offseason Needs

Article By on 2nd March, 2010

... draft coming up quickly, it makes sense to examine the needs of the Patriots.

This team was exposed as quite flawed as the 2009 season progressed, and filling its numerous needs is a daunting task indeed.  However, should things go well this offseason, the Patriots could position themselves for a solid run at the Lombardi.

To this effect, each unit of this team must be examined for deficiencies—small cracks that could become huge problems as the 2010 season wears on.



Tom Brady is, of course, the entrenched starter here, and it wouldn't be sensible or even sane to argue otherwise.  Although he did come down quite a bit from his otherworldly highs of 2007, his past campaign was ...

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